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Trial Edition

Download and trial our Standalone Trial Edition v4.0(Last updated on October 15, 2022), which runs as a standalone applications on OSX and Windows platform, can simplify huge 3d models while remaining all animation/rigs.


It can import FBX, DAE, OBJ, DXF and 3DS files, and export FBX files.


You can evaluate the product with your own 3d models except that you can not save to disk.


Paid Edition

Unity3d's Asset Store, FastSpring's Digital Store, Apple's Mac App Store all have perfect refund policy, no risk to buy softwares there.


Unity3d's Asset Store:

Unity3d's Asset Store - Mantis LOD Editor - Standard Edition v8.1 (Last updated on October 15, 2022, $50)

Unity3d's Asset Store - Mantis LOD Editor - Professional Edition v8.1 (Last updated on October 15, 2022, $50)


FastSpring's Digital Store:

FastSpring Store - Mantis LOD Editor - Standalone Edition v4.0 (Last updated on October 15, 2022, $30)

FastSpring Store - Mantis LOD Editor - Standard Edition v8.1 (Last updated on October 15, 2022, $50)

FastSpring Store - Mantis LOD Editor - Professional Edition v8.1 (Last updated on October 15, 2022, $50)


Apple's Mac App Store:

Apple's Mac App Store - Mantis LOD Editor - Standalone Edition v4.0 (Last updated on October 15, 2022, $30)