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Introduction (Standard Edition and Professional Edition)

Mantis LOD Editor is a polygon reduction toolset(include several editor extensions, a command line utility and a standalone app), you can simplify your 3d models and make LOD from within Unity's editor, from command line, or from the standalone app.


Most important, the toolset can generate high quality LOD with very low triangle count, this is very important to mobile games.


We have brought the world's first commercial progressive mesh technology in the professional edition, you never have to make LOD manually like before, now, you can simplify all your 3d models in batch, then turn them to progressive meshes in batch, this is very useful if you have hundreds of 3d models to convert.



- Generate LOD for both static meshes and skinned meshes. (All edition)

- Automatically protect UV boundaries and material boundaries . (All edition)

- Protect all open boundaries or smartly merge some smooth parts of open boundaries. (All edition)

- Protect all blend shapes. (All edition)

- Super fast, it can simplify 50,000 triangles per second. (Standard edition and professional edition)

- Preview final effect in real time. (Standard edition and professional edition)

- Can simplify huge 3d models. (Standard edition and professional edition)

- Simplify hundreds of 3d models in batch. (Professional edition)

- Advanced progressive mesh technology. (Professional edition)

- Generate progressive meshes for hundreds of 3d models in batch. (Professional edition)


How to install?

All Editions: Remove all old editions, then copy the whole directory of 'MantisLODEditor'(include all subdirectories) to your project’s Assets path.


Standard Edition: Unzip 'MantisLODEditor/Utility/Standalone.zip'.


Professional Edition: Unzip 'MantisLODEditor/Utility/CommandLine.zip' and 'MantisLODEditor/Utility/Standalone.zip'.


Quick Start (Standard Edition)

1. Select the GameObject from the hierarchy panel, go to the menu('Window/Mantis LOD Editor->Component->Editor->Mantis LOD Editor Standard') to add a 'Mantis LOD Editor Standard' component.

2. Drag the quality slider or type a quality value directly to simplify the meshes.

3. Click 'Save Current Mesh' to save the simplified meshes as LOD versions of assets.

4. Repeat step 2 to step 3 several times, make LOD with different qualities and save as assets.

5. Remove 'Mantis LOD Editor Standard' component from the GameObject.

6. Duplicate the meshes several times.

7. Drag the saved assets onto the corresponding mesh filter properties.

8. All done.

Quick Start (Professional Edition)

1. Select the GameObject from the hierarchy panel, go to the menu('Window/Mantis LOD Editor->Component->Editor->Mantis LOD Editor Professional') to add a 'Mantis LOD Editor Professional' component.

2. Click 'Save Progressive Mesh' to generate and save the progressive mesh as an asset.

3. Remove 'Mantis LOD Editor Professional' component from the GameObject.

4. Go to the menu('Window/Mantis LOD Editor->Component->Runtime->Progressive Mesh Runtime') to add a 'Progressive Mesh Runtime' component.

5. Drag the saved asset onto the progressive mesh property of the 'Progressive Mesh Runtime' component.

6. All done.

Quick Start (Batch Edition)

1. Create 'Assets/Resources' directory, copy all your 3d models into the directory.

2. Go to the menu('Window/Mantis LOD Editor->Assets->Create->Mantis LOD Editor Batch') to run the batch edition.

3. Click 'Batch Generate' to generate and save the progressive meshes into the same directory.

4. All done.

Tutorial Videos

The latest tutorial videos: showcase page

How to install?

It’s green software, no need to install, just unzip the package anywhere.


How to run?

It can run on Windows(XP/7/8/10) and OSX(10.8/10.9/10.10), to run the standalone edition, your machine must full support OpenGL 2.0, if you are using a virtual machine, we recommend VirtualBox, their OpenGL driver for Windows 7 has been approved to run the standalone edition.


On Windows, go to the 'Win32' subdirectory, double click MantisLODEditor.exe to launch.


On OSX, go to the 'Mac' subdirectory, double click MantisLODEditor.app to launch.


Which 3d format does it support?

It can import FBX, DAE, OBJ, DXF and 3DS files, export FBX, DAE, OBJ and DXF files, we recommend FBX format.


Both static and skinned 3d models are supported, if you have troubles with some formats, please convert your 3d model to FBX format with Autodesk’s free convert tool.


Can I simplify multiple parts of 3d model with different qualities?

Just select the parts you want to simplify with certain quality, then drag the slide bar or type the quality number to simplify the selected parts, repeat untill you are satisfied with all parts.


If you select nothing, simplification will apply to all parts.


Introduction (Standalone Edition)

Mantis LOD Editor - Standalone Edition are multiple platform standalone applications which help you to simplify your 3d models while remaining all animation/rigs, it can simplify huge 3d models as you wish!


How to install?

It’s green software, no need to install, just unzip the package anywhere.


How to run?

It can run on Windows(XP/7/8/10) and OSX(10.8/10.9/10.10), to run the standalone edition, your machine must full support OpenGL 2.0, if you are using a virtual machine, we recommend VirtualBox, their OpenGL driver for Windows 7 has been approved to run the standalone edition.


On Windows, go to the 'Win32' subdirectory, double click MantisLODEditor.exe to launch.


On OSX, go to the 'Mac' subdirectory, double click MantisLODEditor.app to launch.


Which 3d format does it support?

It can import FBX, DAE, OBJ, DXF and 3DS files, export FBX, DAE, OBJ and DXF files, we recommend FBX format.


Both static and skinned 3d models are supported, if you have troubles with some formats, please convert your 3d model to FBX format with Autodesk’s free convert tool.


Can I simplify multiple parts of 3d model with different qualities?

Just select the parts you want to simplify with certain quality, then drag the slide bar or type the quality number to simplify the selected parts, repeat untill you are satisfied with all parts.


If you select nothing, simplification will apply to all parts.


Introduction (Command Line Edition)

Mantis LOD Editor - Command Line Edition has the same functions as the Standalone Edition, you can use this utility to simplify hundreds of 3d models in batch.


How to use the command line utility?

If you run the utility without any parameters in a terminal window, it will display the usage and some examples.


Usage: ./mle options


    -h,--help                                                 Show this help message

    -b,--protect_boundary            y/n            Protect open boundary, optional, default value is yes

    -d,--protect_detail                 y/n            Protect detail, optional, default value is no

    -s,--protect_symmetry            y/n            Protect symmetry, optional, default value is no

    -t,--triangle_count                  number      Maximum triangles count or percent, optional, default number

                                                                    is 5000

    -e,--error                                number     Deviation percentage, optional, default number is 5%

    -i,--input                                filename     Input file name, must be assigned

    -o,--output                             filename     Output file name, must be assigned

    -f,--output_format        0/1/2/3/4/5/6     Output format, optional, default format is 0










./mle -h

./mle -t 1500 -i abc.fbx -o abc2.fbx

./mle -t 12.5% -i abc.fbx -o abc2.fbx

./mle -e 5% -i abc.fbx -o abc2.fbx

./mle -b y -d y -s y -t 3000 -i abc.fbx -o abc2.fbx

./mle -b y -d y -s y -t 3000 -i abc.fbx -o abc2.dae -f 2


For example, if you want to simplify a 3d model to 3000 triangles with default settings, you can run command like this:


./mle -t 3000 -i banana.fbx -o banana2.fbx


mle.exe -t 3000 -i banana.fbx -o banana2.fbx


How to buy the full version?

The standalone edition has been included in Mantis LOD Editor Standard Edition v2.0 package, users can free upgrade to v2.0 to get it.


But if you are using Unity Free or you are not using Unity, you may just want to buy the standalone edition, we sell the standalone edition on FastSpring’s Digital Market, Apple's Mac App Store, go to the download page to see details.